Vancol Legacy LLC

Vancol Legacy LLC
Fund Your Life
At Vancol Legacy, LLC we believe in providing more TIME for our investors. Our mission is to provide a life of convenience, safety, and a sense of community for our tenants, making renting easier and simpler than ever. Our other focus is to our investors, our core investors are made up of everyday people. Teachers, construction workers, 9-5 employees. We provide Real assets that will generate income. We believe there’s more to life than working. Time is our most precious asset, you should be living life doing things you like and spending time with your loved ones. At Vancol we will put our renters and investors first, ensuring a safe place to live and invest.
Vancol Legacy invest in commercial multi-family units. These units are considered to be Class A properties. When you invest in properties as big, your investment is safer. We invest multi-family 200+ units.
Since 2022, our Investor Relations Team has been working hard and putting tremendous efforts to grow our portfolio and providing great services for our tenants every single year. This growth allows us to provide even more opportunities for our investors and better lifestyle for our tenants . Have a look at our properties at Vancol Legacy LLC , and get in touch today to get involve.

Why invest?
Investing in Real-Estate is the safest and best way to build wealth. There are multiple reasons to invest in real-estate.
1) it's real, you can physical see it, touch it, walk in it.
2)cash flow, as an investor with Vancol Legacy you will be receiving a monthly check. What would you do with extra hundres/thousans of dollars coming in every month?
3) tax benefits
Investing is the surest way to protect your family, your legacy.

Our tenants no longer have to worry about different bills, or when this bill is due. We take care of everything, from trash removal, snow removal, maintenance, mowing, cable, gym, grilling. Our tenants now only make one payment every month. No more worry about cable bills, getting the lawned mowed, or taking the trash out. We take care of all of that. One payment every month. Vancol Legacy makes living Convenient.
Successful Projects
What We’ve Worked On
Apartment Complex

Apartment Complex
Under Construction

Apartment Complex